Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Too Much Jager = New Company Policy

I didn't quite finish my blog posting for this week.  When you are super lazy like me, even blogging can be too much work.

So instead of posting a story or an idea that popped in my head, I am posting a memo I received from my company a few months ago. Everyone at the company was copied on this memo even though it was specifically addressed to me. I removed the letter head and any other identifiable markings so no one can be harmed (except me) in the posting of this. Yes, this honestly came from my boss.


Sure does beat a TPS report.....


Delfin Joaquin Paris III said...

On to schnapps.

Carly C. said...


Steven said...

I worked for a company one time that had the same kind of policy except on Tequila.